Take Pleasure in a Dependable Unit With Regular AC Maintenance
Do you know all the benefits of air conditioning maintenance? Chances are you’ve heard some form of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” when it comes to your air conditioner. AirComfort Heating and Cooling is here to show you the benefits of choosing a reputable company to provide you with regular air conditioning service.

Air Conditioning Maintenance Benefits
All it takes is a yearly tune-up that checks and adjusts all of the parts of your air conditioner to enjoy these benefits.
Longer Air Conditioning Life – Many AC units expire prematurely because of lack of maintenance. A well-loved system can work for years beyond one that isn’t.
Improved Air Quality – Dust collects on your system as air cycles in and out. This dust then blows back out into the air. Part of our maintenance plan involves cleaning these parts to help keep your indoor air fresh along with improving your unit’s function. Paired with our indoor air quality services, fresher indoor air is easily attainable.
Reduced Repairs – We can catch small problems before they snowball.
Greater Efficiency – Cleaning the small parts of your system such as the coil and making mechanical adjustments goes a long way to provide you with cooler air with lower energy usage.
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Fremont: 402-205-5060
Columbus: 402-205-5030

Choosing the Right Company For Your AC Maintenance Relationship
Most HVAC companies have a maintenance plan that goes through a checklist. What many HVAC companies do not have, however, is the customer service and quality staff required for a homeowner to get the most out of maintenance.
With AirComfort Heating and Cooling, we want to make the choice simple by covering all the bases and then some.
Experience – We have 30 years of service to the Columbus and Fremont areas as a strong foundation for our air conditioning service knowledge.
Professionalism – Drug testing, criminal background checks, continuous courtesy and ongoing training are the start of the requirements for all of our staff.
Honesty – There are no surprises or hidden fees.
Super Star Technicians – Our techs are passionate about what they do and know how to deliver what homeowners truly need.