Call For a Furnace Tune-Up to Steer Clear of Repairs
When your heat cuts out on a bone-chilling winter day in the Columbus or Fremont area, thinking about maintenance isn’t going to help the situation. The time to act is now, before your furnace gets frustrated with its disrepair and goes on strike.
AirComfort Heating and Cooling can fine-tune every little part of your system to keep it happily blowing reliable, warm air whenever it’s needed and even when it has to work overtime.

Choose Peace of Mind
A combination of regular, through checkups and prompt service helps you relax through any part of the season. Our expert techs are trained to clean and adjust every part of your furnace, including:
Heat exchanger – Checked for cracks
Thermostat – Checked and calibrated
Pilot – Cleaned and adjusted
Air filter – Changed if needed
Gas Line – Checked for leaks
Controls – Inspected and tested
Our checklist includes many other vital parts as well. With us, you’ll never worry that a small detail was overlooked. The likelihood of a breakdown will be reduced, and you can spend cold months enjoying high quality heat.
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Take Advantage of a Maintenance Plan That Saves You Money
Interested in being a member of our maintenance service plan? We’ll help you save money on future repairs and system costs and get you preferential treatment for heating services and cooling services in addition to keeping your furnace in top shape.
Our super star technicians combine experience, professional service and straightforward pricing to roll out our best maintenance service. Our customers in the Columbus and Fremont areas often request our techs by name. We are proud that a combination of genuine, caring service and furnace expertise have made our maintenance plans so popular and well-trusted.